Is it Chemicals, Not Calories?

How "Obesogens" Contribute To Weight Gain & Metabolic Disorders

** A Free Webinar for Health Professionals **

I want to invite you to explore the world of environmental chemicals & their links to metabolic diseases that so many people are struggling with.

We all know that metabolic issues like weight gain, resistant weight loss, insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity are on the rise, with more and more people seeking support to overcome these problems. But addressing these problems through diet and exercise alone doesn't always work. 

REGISTER Below to get access to this FREE 70-Minute Practitioner Training!

Here's what you'll learn in this FREE class:


The “perfect storm” that has lead to 70% of the US population being overweight or obese


Why tiny exposures can often matter more than larger chemical exposures


Where these weight-inducing chemicals are hiding in plain sight


What are "obsogens" and how they can make us fat


The biggest mistake with weight loss & detoxing that can actually set someone up for weight gain


How you can help your clients & patients quickly reduce exposures to these "everyday" toxins

REGISTER Below to get access to this FREE 70-Minute Practitioner Training!

About Your Teacher:

Hi! I'm Lara Adler, an Environmental Toxins Expert & Educator and a Certified Holistic Health Coach who loves helping health practitioners understand and confidently speak about the role that chemicals in our daily lives affect our health, from things like weight gain and diabetes, to thyroid disease and infertility.

Since 2012, I've worked with over 2,000 health professionals to help them support their own clients and patients around "detoxing" their daily lives.

I'm excited to have you here and hope you enjoy this free training!